Product Description:
The Haakaa Oral Feeding Syringe is the perfect way to administer milk and liquid diets to premature or just plain fussy babies in a mess and waste-free way. The dual-angled ports on either side of the teat shoot liquid into the sides of your little one's mouth instead of the back of their throat to greatly reduce the risk of choking. To use the syringe, measure the proper dose of liquid into the included measuring cup. Pull the plunger while the tip is submerged in the measured liquid, then double-check the amount once in the syringe. Push the silicone teat firmly onto the tip, position your child in your lap facing away from you, then place the syringe in their mouth. After your baby starts to suck, slowly push the syringe plunger in.
Syringe: 10ml
Measuring Cup: 20ml
- 100% food-grade silicone pacifier-shaped teat is more easily accepted by babies.
- Dual angled ports in the teat dispense liquid sideways into your child's cheeks instead of the back of the throat.
- Effortless one-handed operation – simply push to feed & control flow.
- Soft shield prevents potential choking hazards.
- Clearly marked measuring cup ensures accurate dispensing.
- Stands upright, making it convenient to hold and place between use.
- Easy-care detachable design – safe in dishwashers, sterilisers and boiling water.
- BPA, PVC and phthalate-free.
1. Measure the proper dose of liquid in the measuring cup, making sure the cup is on a flat, stable surface.
2. Submerge syringe tip in liquid, then pull the plunger back to fill. Double-check the amount.
3. Once you have drawn the required amount of liquid, place the syringe tip inside the opening of the silicone teat and push in firmly to attach.
NOTE: Take care not to push down on plunger while attaching teat.
4. Introduce the syringe into your child's mouth. After they start to suck, slowly push the syringe plunger in.
PLEASE NOTE: Adjust the silicone teat so that the two holes are facing towards the baby's cheeks before feeding. The syringe tip is designed to be harder to attach to prevent it falling off. ALWAYS follow your doctor's or the manufacturer's dosage recommendations
Cleaning and Care:
Disassemble and wash before and after each use. Always sterilise after any illness. Although dishwasher safe, we recommend hand washing in warm soapy water, then rinsing and drying thoroughly. Do not use any bleach-based cleaners or tablets to clean or sterilise your Haakaa products. To sterilise, use a steam steriliser or boil in water for 2-3 minutes. Silicone may absorb the colours of liquids it comes in contact with. To minimise discolouring, wash immediately after use. Store product in a cool, dry place and avoid direct sunlight.
Haakaa Oral Feeding Syringe
- 100%食品級矽膠奶嘴造型更容易被寶寶接受。
- 奶嘴內的雙角度出水口將液體向寶寶的臉頰側面分散注入,而不是喉嚨後方。
- 單手可以輕鬆操作-只需推拉即可餵食和控制流量。
- 柔軟的擋板防止潛在的卡喉危險。
- 附有清晰刻度的測量杯,確保精准餵食。
- 可站立存放,方便拿取和放置。
- 易於清潔護理的可拆卸設計-可安全地放入洗碗機、消毒器和沸水中。
- 不含雙酚A、PVC和鄰苯二甲酸鹽。
1. 在測量杯中測量適量的液體,確保杯子放在平坦的表面上。
2. 把注射器的尖端浸入已測量過的液體中,然後拉動手環吸取所需液體,完畢後請檢查注射器中的液體量。
3. 當您已經吸取完所需的液體量時,將注射器尖端裝入矽膠奶嘴,並用力推入以固定。
4. 將注射器放入寶寶的口腔中。在他們開始吸吮後,緩慢地推動注射器推杆。